WhatsApp is working on PiP Mode for Videos⏱️ 1 min read

WhatsApp is working on PiP Mode for Videos

WhatsApp, the popular instant messaging platform, is making video sharing even more convenient with the development of a Picture-in-Picture (PiP) Mode for videos. This long-awaited feature will significantly improve multitasking capabilities for users.

What is Picture-in-Picture (PiP)?

PiP mode allows users to watch videos in a small floating window that remains visible on top of other apps. This means you can continue watching a video sent to you on WhatsApp while navigating to different apps, like your email or calendar.

How will WhatsApp’s PiP Mode work?

While the feature is still under development, sources familiar with WhatsApp’s plans indicate that PiP mode will likely function similarly to its existing implementation for YouTube and Instagram links. Here’s how it’s expected to operate:

  • Direct Video Shares: When you receive a video directly within a WhatsApp chat, you’ll be able to tap to play it. A miniaturized PiP player will pop up, allowing you to watch the video while checking other messages or using different apps.
  • Switching Apps: If you need to switch to another application during playback, the video won’t pause or stop. Instead, it will continue playing in the PiP window.

Seamless multitasking

The introduction of PiP mode will streamline the WhatsApp video experience, particularly for scenarios such as:

  • Checking references: Imagine receiving an instructional video. With PiP mode, you can easily check your notes, a web tutorial, or reference other chats without interrupting the video.
  • Staying connected on video calls: Need to quickly respond to a text or email during a WhatsApp video call? PiP will allow you to keep the video call onscreen while handling other tasks.

Availability and rollout

Currently, WhatsApp’s PiP mode is in the development stage. It’s expected to be tested in beta versions of the app before its official release. There’s no set timeline for the rollout yet, but industry experts anticipate it to become available on both Android and iOS devices in the coming months.

Get ready for a more versatile WhatsApp

The addition of Picture-in-Picture Mode for videos highlights WhatsApp’s commitment to enhancing user experience. This feature will offer greater flexibility and convenience, making it even easier to stay connected and multitask on the popular messaging platform.

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